Thursday 8 August 2013

Credit Card Fraud and Identity Theft Crimes

I’ve worked as a waiter, a bartender, a cashier, and several other positions in which money is handled and exchanged many times during a work shift. I remember twenty years ago at least half if not most small transactions were handled with cash. This was especially true of the younger crowd who hadn’t become quite so dependent on a bank or credit card. With the ease of use and accessibility to obtain credit cards it’s now far less common to see people carrying money on them instead of a card. The common perception is that it is safer to use a credit card or a debit card and carry less money around with them. But are you really safer from the threat of crime? 

  • You are far more likely to become a victim of credit card fraud and identity theft than you are to have money physically stolen off of you.
  • Although credit cards and debit cards are convenient, carrying cash is actually safer in most respects if you have an idea of where you are going and what you wish to purchase.
  • Only bring credit cards along if you feel there could be a case of emergency such as a long road trip or vacation. Otherwise use cash or check to make your payments.
  • The less you use your credit card number the less likely it is to be used fraudulently. 

Click to Know Preventing Credit Card Information Stolen!

Use cash more often than cards

Using cash is the most honest and face to face kind of transaction there is. Unless you are using counterfeit money, no sale will turn you down if you attempt to pay with cash. Nobody can take your money, secretly write down your bank account number and begin making purchases right under your nose. Now consider how often you might go out to eat, hand a waiter or waitress a credit card, and see them disappear for five minutes while they swipe your bill. During these moments where your card is in another’s hands how difficult would it be for them to write down your number, name, expiration date and take that information home with them? If you’ve ever made any transactions online it isn’t difficult to understand how dangerous your information can be in the hands of a would-be criminal.

Credit cards can be used for a variety of crimes

Credit card theft results in wide ranging types of crimes. Ironically it is a crime that is most often done by an acquaintance. However, once your information is in someone else’s hands who intend to use it, the internet is the perfect place to get started. It is a faceless transaction where no identification is required other than the correct information on your credit card. The billing address could be a temporary post office box filed under the phony id of someone else who has suffered identity theft. The internet also makes it easy for the criminal to start new credit cards under your assumed identity. All they need to get started is your social security number.

It is time for us all to start being more intelligent with our credit cards and give more thought to credit card identity theft protection. Nearly a third of all credit card holders will become a victim of fraud. Visit to learn more about identity theft protection. Call them anytime for a free one on one consultation at 1-800-397-1755.

Monday 24 June 2013

Avoiding an Credit Card and Identity Thief Information?

Credit card information theft is rising beyond the control of a normal consumer. People are losing their homes, paying high amounts of debts that do not belong to them, and are building a strong skepticism towards anyone that may attempt to collect their information. Although the skepticism is healthy in managing your financial information, you have to realize that you must interact with the financial world in order to survive.

You can, on the other hand, pay attention to the rise of identity theft and credit card fraud crimes to avoid it from happening to you personally. The panic, stress, and continued fights between credit card companies and consumers is frustrating; take a closer look into the problems arising from credit card fraud crime.

Consumer Worries

Many people are concerned about their credit card information when making online purchases or paying for dinner in a restaurant. Although the credit card information theft continue to harm merchants, consumers worry more about trusting the simplest stranger. A simple reality check that criminals are interested in your finances is evident -- a consumer experiences identity theft every 10 minutes in the United States.

In order to make sure you are not experiencing this, consider these questions when reviewing accounts:

  • 1. Did you make these purchases?
  • 2. Are you the sole user of the accounts?
  • 3. Can your credit card company or collection agency validate the debt?

If you cannot answer these questions, you have experienced identitytheft and fraud. Proving this to your credit card company may not be a hassle, but you still need to prepare yourself for a process in finding the truth.

Identity Theft Reports

Identity theft reports must be filed with your local law enforcement agency. By reporting this information to a local agency, you can begin the process of reclaiming your identity and catching the predator who is violating your rights. After filing a report with law enforcement, file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) online. Keep documentation from all of these reports to forward to a lawyer and your creditors for processing.

Read More  about  credit card identity theft protection

Know Your Rights

Pay close attention to how and when you use your credit cards. The legal system can defend you by holding your credit card companies responsible for the protection offered through their organizations. Until now, you may have not reviewed the details of your Terms of Use Agreement; each credit card company must have a program in place to defend consumers who experience credit card fraud crime. By reviewing your TUA, you may qualify for a specific review of your account activities and reimbursement for payments you’ve made during the investigation.

Get a Trusted Defense

Legal assistance is the best decision when you’re dealing with fraud. In many cases, consumers were unaware of the accounts and have to find a way to work through the mess alone. With an experienced legal team on your side, you can face your worst fears about identity theft without stressing over results. is a trusted network of professional lawyers and legal strategists who can assist in credit card fraud and identity theft. With over 260,000 members within our network, we can definitely match you with a professional who will review your case.